
Accessibilities Committee

Greetings, and welcome to the Accessibilities Committee page. Quite often the first question is “What exactly constitutes a remote community?” and “What does the Accessibilities committee actually do?”.

The definition of Accessibilities community is where it is difficult to carry the AA message because of language, culture, geography, or life condition. As you can see that applies equally as well to communities in the most rural parts of the Area as it does to communities in the heart of Minneapolis who, for a range of reasons, are not getting AA’s message. Thus, the central mission of this committee is to go to any lengths necessary to carry AA’s message to all those who need it and is just one more link in the chain or responsibility in our effort to help the alcoholic to who still suffers.

At first glance it may seem that this committee reproduces some of the work of the PI or CPC committees. In reality, while the RC does work closely with these two committees, the RC serves a different need and helps fill the gap in our Area’s overall 12-step work by reaching out to various communities that might not fall under the responsibility of the other area committees.

Contact Information

Accessibilities Chair: Dan H. –

Archives Committee

The Archives Committee gathers current and historical information about A.A., especially in our Area and preserves it in a meaningful order. This committee provides a clearinghouse of information in the Area with respect to Archives, coordinating the exchange of ideas and resources between districts. Provides experience and assistance in developing projects that will further the carrying of our A.A. message with respect to Archives.

Contact Information

Archives Chair: Richard D. –

Area Archivist: Vince F. –

Cooperation with the Professional Community Committee

The Cooperation with the Professional Community (CPC) Committee works with A.A. groups to provide information on Alcoholics Anonymous to professionals, who often meet alcoholics before we do.

Contact Information

CPC Chair: Jim M. – 

Corrections Committee

The Corrections Committee coordinates the work of A.A. groups in carrying the A.A. message to alcoholics in correctional facilities.

Mail forms to Pink Can Plan, PO Box 41633, Plymouth, MN 55441-0633 or email them to

Correctional Facilities Database (click here)

This database contains information about the correctional facilities in Minnesota. Only those with an email account can access this database. The database is also password protected. Contact the Corrections Chair about the password.

Contact Information

Corrections Chair: Dave A. –

Statewide Corrections Committee Chair:

Corrections Temporary Contact Program Coordinator: Brian M. –

Pink Can Coordinator: Patrick W. –

Pink Can Plan Coordinator
PO Box 41633
Plymouth, MN 55441-0633

Finance Committee

This committee monitors the Area’s financial needs, policies and practices and is responsible for reminding groups of their Seventh Tradition opportunities. In cooperation with the Structure Committee, they review and update the Area financial guidelines as needed.

Contact Information

Finance Chair: Eric M. –

Grapevine Committee

The Grapevine Committee coordinates the work of individual A.A. members, groups, and districts to read, subscribe to and utilize the Grapevine and Grapevine-produced materials. It also encourages individual A.A. members to contribute written material to the Grapevine for publication.

Contact Information

Grapevine Chair: Tom W. – 

Literature Committee

The Literature Committee provides information to A.A. members and groups encouraging the use of Conference approved literature and maintains inventory of the Area literature.

Contact Information

Literature Chair: Andy J. –

Newsletter Committee

Four times a year, the Newsletter Committee publishes The Pigeon, an informative and attractive newsletter about service activities and opportunities. Read the Pigeon online!

Contact Information

Newsletter Chair: Joe S. –

Public Information Committee

The Public Information (PI) Committee increases awareness of A.A. in the general public. It also monitors anonymity breaks at the level of press, radio and film.

Contact Information

Public Information Chair: Sarah M. –

Registrar Committee

This committee maintains an accurate database and mailing list of the groups and trusted servants in the Area. This database is used for many purposes including: mailing lists for the Area Newsletter and the Area Finance letters, publication of the Area Directory, and listing of groups in specific groups.

Contact Information

Registrar Chair: Justin P. –

Structure Committee

The Structure Committee reviews how the area functions internally on a continual basis. The Alternate Delegate serves as the Structure Committee Chair.

Contact Information

Structure Chair: Carla N. –

Technology Committee

The Technology Committee is charged with developing the Area Web Site and ensuring the information on the pages is kept current. If you experience an error, broken link, missing document or any other error, please email and alert us of the issue.

Contact Information

Technology Chair: Becky N. –

Webmaster: Rodney R. –

Treatment Committee

The Treatment Facilities Committee leads and coordinates the work of AA members and groups in carrying the A.A. message to alcoholics in treatment facilities.


A TEMPORARY CONTACT is a member of Alcoholics Anonymous who works with alcoholics both in and coming out of treatment facilities/programs.


It is a short term arrangement ( 30 – 90 days) until the new member has become established in a group and has found permanent sponsorship.

The TEMPORARY CONTACT may do such things as visit the alcoholic before they leave the facility, provide them with AA conference approved literature and a local meeting list, let them know about the AA Grapevine magazine, how to subscribe and possibly give them a couple of old Grapevine issues, visit with them for one on one sharing, take them to a variety of meetings before and after they leave (especially their first day back in the community), meet them at meetings, introduce them to as many AA’s as possible, help them into the after meeting coffee groups, call them, ensure they have the phone numbers of several AA’s, talk with them about sponsorship and guide them to selecting a more permanent sponsor and a home group.

The TEMPORARY CONTACT must ensure that their information on the contact list is current and accurate.

TEMPORARY CONTACTS will be called upon to help a prospect/patient by matching their ZIP codes, gender and age group whenever possible.

The volunteer lists may be made available to Intergroups, District and Area committees.

A call may come from any of these sources in addition to directly from a prospective member. Fill out my online form.

Contact Information

Treatment Chair: Patrick S. –

Treatment Temporary Contact Coordinator: Jeff M. –



The Area Chair is the only officer authorized to sign agreements with Service providers on behalf of the Area. Certain exceptions may apply for special services such as accounting and data processing, in which case the appropriate officer will file with the Area Chair any agreements entered into.

Responsibilities of the Area Chair include, but are not limited to:

  • Arrange for reasonably priced meeting sites for the Area Assembly and Area Committee. May arrange for luncheons if it is an all day meeting. This officer also publishes the area calendar–available no later than the last Area Assembly of the preceding year.
  • Preside at meetings of the Area Assembly, Area Committee, and Area Officers in an orderly fashion.
  • Set the agenda for the Area Assembly meetings and ensure that it is published and distributed within five weeks of the Area Assembly meeting so that all members of the area are aware of it.
  • Appoint the chairpersons of the Area Standing Committees (and alternates where needed)
  • Prepare the Annual Budget and submit it to the Area Committee Meeting prior to the October Assembly
  • Review monthly financial statements from the Area Treasurer to ensure that funds are spent prudently and are consistent with the area’s purpose.
  • Attend district meetings when asked, to provide information and other leadership help.
  • Prepare articles for the area newsletter.

Contact Information

Area Chair: Douglas H. –

Alternate Chair

The Alternate Area Chair works closely with the Area Chair to become familiar with all aspects of the job. She or he resides over meetings when the Area Chair is unable to attend and signs contracts for services if the Area Chair is unavailable.

The Alternate Area Chair is also the chair of the Area Finance Committee.

Contact Information

Alternate Area Chair: Matt B. –


The GSC delegate is elected every odd-numbered year to represent the area at the annual meeting of the conference in New York, and to bring back to the area the results of the Conference meeting.

The delegate serves for two years and then rotates out. The role of an area delegate is a demanding one. They are responsible for attending all the area, state, and regional meetings and assemblies and visit all the districts.

Towards the end of their term, they work with their successor, the newly elected delegate, to help them understand the procedures of the annual Conference.

Contact Information

Area Delegate: Meg H. –

Alternate Delegate

The SMAA alternate delegate is elected every odd-numbered year. The alternate delegate serves for two years and then rotates out.

The alternate serves as a valuable assistant, often traveling with the delegate or giving reports for the delegate. The alternate would replace the delegate at the annual Conference meeting if the delegate could not attend.

In Southern Minnesota Area 36 the alternate delegate also serves as the Area Structure Committee Chair.

Contact Information

Alternate Area Delegate: Carla N. –


The Secretary records the minutes of the Area Assemblies, Area Committee Meetings and Area Officer meetings and assists the Area Chair at these meetings. This officer annually updates the “Recommendations and Actions of the Southern Minnesota Area Committee and Area Assembly” document, distributes the minutes of the Area Assembly and Area Committee meetings, and develops agenda material for Area Assemblies and sends it to all members of the area committee prior to each area assembly meeting.

Contact Information

Interim Area Secretary: Jennifer G. –


The Treasurer handles all area monies, keeping records of contributions and disbursements. The Area Financial Guidelines provide the Treasurer with specific procedures and area policy for handling area funds.

Contact Information

Area Treasurer: Eric M. –